
Inspire your visitors to share your products across social media.


Encourage discussions and make visitors feel part of the community.


Build a community for your brand on your social profiles.

There's many social platforms used by brands and consumers to share stories. The first interaction with your users might happen on your website. But to start a conversation the user needs to be able to reply and engage. They need to know if you exist on the social platforms they already use.

Our app helps you share your social profiles on your website in a familiar and simple layout. This will enable them to connect with you through different channels.


  • Use one of our preset layout styles or create your own.
  • Responsive, works on mobile, tablet and desktop.
  • Top customer support.
  • Add up to three items.


Check our library here: Widgetic Apps.


If, for any reason, you're unhappy with this app, just contact our support team and we'll refund your last payment, no questions asked.

Premium Monthly

Premium Yearly

Standard Features
Start building apps with your own design and content.
Remove Branding
Remove the Widgetic branding from the bottom right corner.
Unlimited Links
Add more than 3 social links.
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20 Ratings
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Mohammad Ashraf Dec 28, 2023
    Not Scalable... That's very bad!
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    Weebly User Dec 22, 2023
    Pessima, non si apre sui miei link!!!
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    Hannah Zuraff Aug 28, 2023
    really? you have to pay to adjust the size of the icons. Why would anyone want giant social media icons on their site - the only option is to pay for the app. So shady, why even offer a free plan? Scammers,
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Cindy Myskiw Nov 11, 2022
    Complete garbage! You can't even change the size of the icons without upgrading. Not even usable, don't waste your time.
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    Javier Egas Sep 04, 2018
    Solo permite 3 redes y la propaganda es demasiado visible, tiene bonitos iconos

    Social Buttons Sep 04, 2018

    Hola Javier. Después de usar la cuenta gratuita puedes upgradar to Premium para eliminar estos límites y la marca.

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Weebly User Jul 30, 2018
    Looks really good but takes a while to load and is usually the last thing to load on a page even after the big images.

    Social Buttons Sep 04, 2018

    The apps load at the end because Weebly loads the page content first.

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    Dennis Paparone Apr 04, 2018
    Applicazione davvero utile e ben fatta. Al momento utilizzo la versione "Free" poiché non ho la necessità di fruttare più di tre link. Se un giorno avrò la necessità di utilizzare altri social sarò più che lieto di investire il mio denaro in quest'App.
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    merlotembargo Feb 17, 2018
    Can't edit the size, missing music specific socials like spotify etc

    Social Buttons Apr 12, 2018

    Should be available. Please reach out at support so we can sort it out for you. Size also editable.

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    KALOW OFFICIAL Dec 14, 2017
    Very good for convenience. and the best app.
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    John Nov 23, 2017
    "Item 4: Pay to unlock this item" Well gosh dangit, i guess its pay2win as a thought anyway..

    Social Buttons Apr 12, 2018

    If you decide to upgrade you will support the development team for future updates.

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