
09 artistic Highlighted styles.


09 dynamic & attention-grabbing Rotated styles.


Set the typography, color, shape, and alignment for the headline’s animated text.

Animated Headline app gives you the power to create attention-grabbing and killer headlines.


1. Increase conversion rate

The most obvious place to use this feature is on landing pages and homepages, where conversion rates matter the most.

2. Point out what’s important to visitors

Using highlighted headlines allows you to focus on the specific benefit, by underlining the one word that matters. This way, you can increase the chances of your site visitors focusing more on that particular message.

3. Create fun-to-read content

Long form content tends to bore users, you can use animated headlines to create an interesting break in the flow of content. Create a break for long copy articles not only make your whole blog design more engaging and fun to read but also increases the time-on-page. Therefore, it improves your site ranking on search engines.

4. Easy-to-use settings.

It is super easy to add text, color, typography, alignment, etc. into your headline right on the setting.

Animated Headline has many options to completely customize the appearance and behavior of your headline to the smallest detail. You can do everything in the app setting with just a few clicks.

5. Work perfectly on any device.

Setting options to adjust how to display on desktop, tablet or mobile. With Slideset, any display is possible.

6. No Coding Knowledge is Required!



30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. No questions asked. …No risk!

We will go through all your feedback weekly and pick the most requested features and include them in the future update!

To make the most of Animated Headline app, please take a look at our demo page here:

Animated Headline Documentation:



Create attention-grabbing headlines.
09 artistic Highlighted styles.
09 dynamic & attention-grabbing Rotated styles.
Set the typography, color, shape, alignment for the headline’s animated text.
Set HTML Tag for your headlines.
Set text size on multiple screens.
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17 Rangeringer
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    Concha Alhambra Aug 28, 2024
    Instalé esta aplicación y no funcionó absolutamente nada! Y aunque solicité ayuda al desarrollador no obtuve ninguna respuesta. La desaconsejo totalmente.
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Sofia Aug 12, 2021
    Amazing app for weebly that with simple effects makes the website look much more alive. I have a few ones on the same page and the website still loads fast and without any problems. Great support in their messenger chat!
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Matthew Eye Aug 08, 2021
    To be honest, I had a little trouble setting a headline with this app at first. However, while reading the doc and demo carefully, plus the helpful response of Baamboo Studio, my header is much more creative now. Great app to try!
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    FaithVenture Media Jul 26, 2021
    Simply amazing app! My header look a professional now with this moving title, tks so much!
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Nuno Pereira Apr 26, 2020
    This app is really good. I had some difficulties using the clip option on my site because it kind of made the site a bit weird on a mobile screen, but other than that the app does what it is meant to do. Thank you.
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Christoph Ganz Nov 12, 2019
    This App is very clunky and doesn't work properly, and customer service is slow and not very helpful at all. 1. Animation doesn't work properly when text is formatted and breaks across multiple lines, adding animated text on a new line breaking the paragraph. Support could not solve this issue. 2. Unlike other developers, Bamboo Studio doesn't not allow transfer of Apps to other Weebly accounts, i.e. if you close your website and start another they expect you to pay for the app again. In concept, this would be a great feature to have but current version and support make this unusable.
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Fady Kreidy Jul 11, 2019
    Why cant we adjust the speed of the rotating style? ----------------- i have just decreased my rating since you did not really pay attention on my question. The duration option applies on the marker style and not the rotate style. my question was about the rotate style.

    Animated Headline Jul 12, 2019

    Hi Fady, Actually you can. Our suppoter has replied to your support ticket about this. Please try to use the Duration option to get the speed you want. ***Update on 17/07/2019: We're very sorry for the inconvenience. Our developers haven't included a timing option for the Rotating style yet. We will update the app to include this option. However, it may take at least 2 weeks because we will need to wait for Weebly to approve a new version of the app. Thank you.

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    Lillian Cooper Apr 01, 2019
    I need my money back.. I've been using this app for my site and it totally slowed it to a complete crawl. I just had to go into my site and remove every tag and headline i used this app for. It totally did not perform well at all with my new weebly theme. Please refund me my money. Thanks Lilly website is Zips Mobile Pressure Washing

    Animated Headline Apr 02, 2019

    Hi Lily, We're sorry for you bad experience with this app. However, this is a Weebly problem that we cannot control. If you use many app elements on a single page then that page will load slowly in Weebly editor. It happens with all Weebly apps that use JavaScripts code. Our supporter has sent you an email asking for additional information that we need to check before issuing a refund at your request. Thank you.

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Rhonda Myers Mar 18, 2019
    Not very customizable. The text configuration doesn't work. I want my money back!

    Animated Headline Mar 18, 2019

    Hi Rhonda, We're sorry about your bad experience. Our supporter has sent you an email from [email protected] to offer help with the text configuration that you said doesn't work. And of course, you can You can get your money back if you’re not satisfied with the app. Since customer satisfaction is a key value that Baamboo needs to ensure, We're willing to assist. Thank you.

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Melissa Carlson Mar 04, 2019
    3/8/19: After posting the review below a customer service rep reached out to me and explained that there is a timing option for certain animated effects. The customer service rep was very helpful and kind so I'm changing from 3 to 4 stars. 3/5/19: This is a little too simple. I don't like that you can't adjust the timing of the animations. I feel like they happen a little too quickly.

    Animated Headline Mar 05, 2019

    Hi Melissa, Actually, we did include a "Duration" option to set a period (in seconds) for the marker's animation. You can find this option in Style Settings > MARKER. Please email us at [email protected] if you need any further assistance. Thank you.

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