
Engage your audience with timeless interactions.


Enable customers to compare two images on the spot.


Showcase your offerings using successful outcomes.

If you want to compare two pictures in the real world you will place them side by side. But in digital there's a better way to do it, and that is by overlap.

This technique allows you to spot the smallest differences between two items. It also tells a better story by comparing an original product, with an enhanced version of it.

For example you might use our app to compare the skin of a client before and after they use a treatment that you sell. Or you might use it to show work you did on a house renovation.


  • Use one of our preset layout styles or create your own.
  • Customize the style to fit the look and feel of your website.
  • Responsive design, works on mobile, tablet and desktop.
  • Top customer support.


Check our library here: Widgetic Apps.


If, for any reason, you're unhappy with this app, just contact our support team and we'll refund your last payment, no questions asked.

Premium Monthly

Premium Yearly

Standard Features
Start building apps with your own design and content.
Remove Branding
Remove the Widgetic branding from the bottom right corner.
Navigation Structure
Adjust the default properties of the navigation.
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38 Rangeringer
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    Mathæus Andersen Jan 05, 2024
    Great, however, image is very distorted
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    Andrea Gerson Nov 08, 2019
    App is highly inconsistent. Most of the time, the page is down.
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    Lifestyle Impressionz Oct 06, 2019
    Kept having problems with this app. When you try to add an image, it shows it's uploading, seemingly forever with the image not being uploaded in the end, regardless how small the file size is.

    Before and After Oct 08, 2019

    Hi there. This was a temporary issue on our server, but it should be back live as expected now. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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    CJ Reed Aug 05, 2019
    I love the concept of this app, but in execution it usually just didn't work on my site. There'd be a plain white box instead of my images.

    Before and After Aug 07, 2019

    Hi there. If the images don't show up, it means the images are not there anymore. Please make sure you didn't remove them by mistake from the Editor.

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    Frank Auperlé Jul 12, 2019
    Price quality is great. Free version already very nice though. What could be improved is the stability. On my website they don't seem to load every now and then. Also with scrolling on mobile devices you have to push next to the image. It can't recognize wheter its an vertical move or an horizontal move. Still I like it very much, thank you

    Before and After Jul 15, 2019

    Hey Frank! We're improving the interaction of our library of apps for mobile in future updates! Thanks for reporting. :)

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    Graham Twomey Jan 22, 2019
    Does exactly what i need it to do. Simple set up with no learning curve!
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    Eric Doverspike Oct 06, 2018
    Provides a nice, full-featured "before and after" capability for photos and pictures. Met my need very nicely.
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    Fabio Ciampaglia Aug 09, 2018
    Molto divertente, anche se non credo valga la pena di pagare un abbonamento annuale, potrebbe essere una buona opzione pagare una sola volta, o magare fare un profilo piu economico
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    Monique Mullen Jul 05, 2018
    This is perfect for my photoediting portfolio
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    paul rossi Jun 30, 2018
    I sent to the help center multiple messages but they never answered, it works well on the computer, but when I open my website on the phone, all the pictures change size and it looks like a big mess. I tried everything to fix it but nothing seems to work. Would love if you where able to answer me.

    Before and After Jun 30, 2018

    Hello Paul. Please check your email, we usually answer within 24 hours except weekends. :) These two articles might help. Consider on Weebly you don't have the freedom to control the entire resize mode of an app so only Autoscale will be useful here.

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