checkBundle of 16 elements in 1
Extreme savings on your purchase
Apps have been previously tested in the center
Waddons Pack offers our best elements in one bundle
- Animator
- Background Slider
- Carouselstar
- Chameleon Slider
- Gallery Filter
- Modal Pop
- One Page Navigation
- Sectionizer
- Ui Button
- Ui Divider
- Ui Heading
- Ui Icons
- Ui Progress Bar
- Ui Scroll to Top
- Ui Tabs
- Ui Testimonials
- Animation Type: 28 different animation entrances
- Animation Duration: set a timing of duration the animation will take place
- Animation Delay: you can delay an animation set to milliseconds for complete control
- Animation Offset: Choose when an animation should take place when shown in the viewport
Background Slider
- Background slider for Weebly's new Section element
- check16 Transition styles and 9 animation effects
- checkEasy to manage control panel
- background and border color
- minimum height settings
- 6 different arrow models , background and color customizable
- navigation dots styles
- auto play option
Chameleon Slider
- background & border color normal/hover
- arrow color normal/hover
- border radius, square or circular
- hide arrows completely
- background & border color normal/hover
- set color for active dots
- hide slider dots entirely
- set autoplay and interval seconds between slides
- make slider modify in height depending on content
- CSS3 animated transition effects:
- slide
- fade
- slide up
- go down
- back slide
Gallery Filter
- Font Size
- Title Color
- Letter Spacing
- Background Color
- Border Color - Thickness and Radius
- Paddings and Margins for Titles
- Easily Upload Images and move them around
- Define margins between images
- Choose the amount of images in a row
- Add captions
- Link your image
Modal Pop
- Add important notifications
- Show discounts available
- Collect email subscriptions
- Use it to show youtube videos
- lots of other options...
One Page Navigation
- Smooth scrolling responsive navigation menu for long one pages created on the Birdseye themes.
- Create links to sections on your page and/or links to other pages.
- The navigation includes the necessary styling options to match your theme or preferences.
- Full width or boxed
- Set minimum height or window height
- Margin/padding top and bottom
- Background:
- Color
- Background image
- Gradient
- Image + gradient
- Border color, thickness, type and radius
- Box shadow, inset and outline
Ui Button
- Adding headings to your website
- SEO friendly (H1 to H6)
- Pick fonts from Google library (over 800 options)
Ui Icons
- Crips looking icons on all sizes
- Choose icons from Fontawesome library (over 600 available)
- Add links and hover effects to your icons
UI Scroll To Top:
- Animated scroll to top
- Control Scroll Speed
- Large choice of arrows
- Customize color, border and background
UI Testimonials:
- Modern looking testimonial boxes
- Add rounded or squared image to testimonial
- Add star rating
- Please note all content from the testimonial (quotes and ratings) is added manually by you (inside Weebly editor)
UI Buttons:
- Create custom buttons
- Define color, background and border
- Use font families from Google library (over 800 currently available)
- Option to add icons from Fontawesome library
- Style buttons for hover states
UI Progress:
- Animated skill bars
- Show progress of company, team or individuals
- Customize color, background and border to fit your theme
- Animation will occur when element gets scrolled into view
UI Divider:
- Horizontal divider
- Define width and height of divider
- Set a background and border
- Align your divider (left, center or right)
UI Tabs:
- Drag and drop content tabs
- Add up to 10 tabs
- Define colors and background
- Tabs convert to accordion depending on screen width
One-time Fee
Gallery Filter
Ui Kit
Ui Buttons Ui Scroll to top Ui Heading Ui Testimonials Ui Divider Ui Progress bar Ui Icons Ui Tabs
Ui Buttons Ui Scroll to top Ui Heading Ui Testimonials Ui Divider Ui Progress bar Ui Icons Ui Tabs
Chameleon Slider
Background Slider
Modal Pop
One Page Navigation
Vennlig bruker Jul 18, 2021Es stecken ganz viele tolle Tools in dieser Sammlung. Besonders gefällt mir unter anderen Chameleon WP! Damit kann man viele Effekte, gerade in Kombination mit Modal POP erreichen. Sehr gut!
Nathan Heintz Nov 19, 2019The apps in this bundle that I have tried to use have all turned out to be useless, buggy, limited and ultimately a complete waste of time. Doing simple tasks frequently requires full-website refresh in order to even check and see if the change was made. Other tasks are so buggy that doing one thing un-does the tasks that were just done. I have wasted many hours of my life trying to work with these apps and have come to the frustrating conclusion that it's WAY easier to just code it by hand. The customer service is sometimes responsive, sometimes non-responsive, and time-consuming.
Muzaffer Pakhtoon Jan 21, 2019"It's really wonderful. We've seen amazing results already. I am really satisfied with my Waddons Pack. After using Waddons Pack my business skyrocketed!"
George Hamm Feb 01, 2018Thank you for your generous gift. The collection of apps in the Waddons Pak is stunning. Thank you!
Vennlig bruker Jan 25, 2018(Product received for free) Thanks for this gift, they are very amazing apps! For now, I'm using the Vertical Divider, the Progress Bar, and the "Scroll Top". The progress bar doesn't work correctly! And maybe I found the bug... 1. If you add another progress bar, the previously added works, but the last added not works. 2. I noticed that you use "calc(100% - 100px)" to set the percent value, but in some cases this value is not set! Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge is the same... I use the "Birdseye 2 Portfolio" theme. Test page here: fire-space. weebly. com/test-progress-bar
Brian Monaghan Apr 24, 2017This is a seriously useful and valuable bundle of apps! The amount of apps tied into the Waddons Pack for the price is unbeatable. The support from Waddons is equally outstanding. They've replied to every email within 24 hours. I'm impressed with both the apps and the Waddons team and am happy to give them a 5 star rating.
Vennlig bruker Apr 24, 2017I've had the Pack for a while and am still learning all the features. It's a great value for the price. The support and customer service from the Waddons team is excellent, I'm very pleased and will use the Pack in other sites.
PUUR Mar 18, 2017I purchased this pack for just a few days; it has already upgraded my site to a PRO style! Waddons has THE BEST support I've ever experienced. WAY better than the support from Weebly. Weebly's support is not only slow but not very helpful. Waddons usually gets back to me within 24 hours. They went above and beyond to help me with my request even if it's a function they have not yet supported. I cannot recommend them enough! Get this pack now! It's sooooo worth it!
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