
Select from over 800 font families and more then 600 icons


Total control over styling features


Subtle and smooth hover effects

Button Up

Offering an incredible amount of styling features to match every design requirements.

Choose from over 800 font families & more then 600 icons.

Add smooth hover effects.

Control the alignment of the button on mobile devices

The most complete button element available on the App Center.

A must have design element.
One-time Fee

Button Up
Total control over styles Over 800 font familes More then 600 icons Smooth hover effects
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15 評分
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Daniel Reilly Jan 09, 2021
    Absolute garbage. It has frozen my landing page and i can not get rid of the button from my page now.

    Button Up Jan 09, 2021

    Hi Daniel, There is absolutely no reason why the button app would freeze your landing page. Apologies for your bad experience.

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Angela Howell Aug 14, 2019
    dont waste your money, not desirable

    Button Up Aug 14, 2019

    Hi Angela, We have reached out to you to ask for clarification on your bad experience. Your purchase was refunded. Apologies and thanks for taking the time.

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    lloyd perry Jan 03, 2019
    Does not allow ability to control button width, only border width making this not what I needed. Aside from that seems like it could be good, but I'm looking for this feature in particular and it is advertised under the live demo, but not functioning.

    Button Up Aug 14, 2019

    Hi Lloyd, The button width can be managed with the horizontal padding which can be increased/decreased. It is not possible to set fixed widths though and will depend on the padding set + the text content of the button. Thanks.

  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Gabriel Benmergui Nov 07, 2018
    Call To Action buttons are now a breeze with this app. Thank you!
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
    Doug Wynne Apr 02, 2018
    simple. fairly priced. AWESOME. Thanks guys :)
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Jan Kocbek Feb 02, 2018
    There's a possibility this app will lag your already slow Weebly and broadband or fiber or whatever won't help you. I'm talking simple copying an element taking up to 2 mins. As changing a simple setting in this app. Why don't there devs talk to Webbly devs, I'm guessing these devs have the same problems with Weebly devs as any of us users, that is Weebly devs being the laziest and most untalented in the business. We are talking Bethesda incompetent here. But I love Button Up so I can't give it a straight 1 . It's not their fault.
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    Z-Project Aug 31, 2017
    Love the button and all its functionalities.. :) Q1: Do you have anything similar that allows me to do 2 things. Keep the width of the button the same, no matter what text is in there? And also... Q2: Any options to add an image to the button? Thank you for your prompt respond!
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    gabe Aug 29, 2017
    Great feature! Highly recommended
  • starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall starsmall
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    ME Jul 22, 2017
    Very good application. Ton of options, which is never a bad thing. Figuring out how to do a URL was not as difficult as others have tried to point out and if a page requires a bunch of the same button, always easier to make one and copy it, then the URL is only part to add. Also, huge fan of Waddons because it is one price and done, absolutely hate the monthly fee type applications. Good job on this one.
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    Joey Danner Jul 21, 2017
    Too many options, in this case, is a bad thing. Normally, I appreciate having so much control, but not when customizing the feature is so complicated. Especially since Weebly reloads after every change, customizing a simple button with this app can become a very time consuming task. Even after all the time spent customizing, my footer buttons did not stay centered when viewing on an iPad. No bueno. While I appreciate the idea, and the effort I'm sure it took to make the app, after just a few hours messing with it, I've concluded that it just isn't user friendly enough to keep using.
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